Kabbalah Energy Drink

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Kabbalah is an energy drink that comes in both 12oz and 16oz cans - along with a sugar-free version.
For some strange reason the makers of the beverage will not list the caffeine amount. Instead they provide a mystical estimate "In fact, a can of Kabbalah Energy Drink has less caffeine than a 7oz. cup of coffee. "
As caffeine amounts in coffee are notoriously variable this doesn't mean much. However, as many people tout 80mg as the standard amount of caffeine in coffee, we can presume that Kabbalah has less than 80mg caffeine in can.
Ingredients in Kabbalah Energy Drink
B Vitamins, Taurine, And Caffeine.Is Kabbalah Energy Drink high in caffeine?
Kabbalah Energy Drink contains 100 mg of caffeine in a 12 fl oz can.
This equates to 8.33 mg of caffeine for every fl oz and 28.18 mg for every 100 ml.