Caffeine in Drinks

Ubershot Energy Shot

Ubershot Energy Shot
210 mg
per 59ml
This drink contains extreme levels of caffeine.
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Discontinued? This item may no longer be available.

Ubershot is a German made energy shot but now imported top the UK.

See also our complete review below.

Warning: Ubershot contains a large concentrated dose of caffeine! This may be dangerous for some consumers.


This review was completed by an independent drink reviewer and does not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of this site.

UbershotAt a glance Ubershot looks like a perfume sampler.

The little red bottle caught my eye straight away when I was fumbling through my mail at work. After reading the little leaflet I got with it, I have to say I was eager to try it. Not only this, but anything that has any form of German undertone, I start expecting a lot  from due to previous experience and I have to say in hind-sight this drink delivered.

I was low on caffeine as it was and with a sustainability meeting in the afternoon I had to do something quickly. So without a second thought I cracked open the little bottle and downed it without stopping to think. Whether this was down to the cute packaging or the somewhat mystical facts and figures that accompanied it, I would not know.


I never know what to expect with drinks that label their flavour as ‘original’ and yet again I was impressed with this flavour in the sense that I couldn’t work it out and with only 58ml to draft a conclusion from I was at a bit of a loss.  However, if I get updated on what the flavour is I will pass it on to all of you.

Back on track with the flavour… I have to say I like it, Ubershot's slightly acidic and it’s quite refreshing. However, due to the sucralose that has been used to replace the sugar, it reminded me a little bit of the cheap sugar-free fruit concentrates. But, this didn’t bother me as it was only a single gulp with a decent boost in energy.


Ubershot isn't "Uber" for nothing....It's pretty packed, boasting a pretty impressive energy blend consisting of Taurine, Glucuronolactone, Caffeine (210mg), and amino acids. Usually B vitamins are included in the energy blend, but Uber lists them seperatly with a healthy dose of B12, B6, B9, B3, and B5.


As with every energy drink I test, I test them in different circumstances and I have to say that this one performed well in all of them. I have to say the feeling was pleasant and it died off slowly instead of dropping instantly after a few hours. In the majority of the tests, I only took 1 Ubershot, but when I was driving I took 2 which I have to say made me feel a little odd. Not really buzzing, but more spaced out which I have to say isn’t the best thing when you’ve been on the road for 5 hours.

However, I have to say these are perfect as a mid-day drink to keep you pumped up for the rest of the day (or at least till the end of work). I don’t really have a bad thing to say about the effect unless you overdose and then I guess there’s never a good thing to say.


Okay, so in my eyes it doesn’t taste perfect, but the pros out weigh the cons. Ubershot is a great drink it gives you a boost, its small, and best of all it looks sexy. I still have the empty bottle just because Ubershot look so good. I have to tip my hat to them, its one classy drink with a decent taste and effect.

Reviewed by Josh Nathan

Ingredients in Ubershot Energy Shot

See Our Review

Is Ubershot Energy Shot high in caffeine?

Ubershot Energy Shot contains 210 mg of caffeine in a 59 ml bottle.

This equates to 105.00 mg of caffeine for every fl oz and 355.05 mg for every 100 ml.

210 mg
Ubershot Energy Shot
160 mg
Monster energy
80 mg
Red bull
60 mg
Instant Coffee
35 mg


our review See other references.
