Caffeine Safe Limits: Calculate Your Safe Daily Dose
Caffeine safe limits for adults, children, and those with medical conditions. Includes a safe dose calculator and guidelines for consuming...
Caffeine During Pregnancy: How Much is Safe?
Consuming caffeine during pregnancy is up for debate by professionals. Here are the researched risks and safety guidelines for pregnant...
Caffeine Metabolism
This article traces the path and effects of caffeine throughout the body and explains how caffeine is metabolized or broken...
Caffeine in the Breast Milk of Breastfeeding Mothers
Here's how much caffeine can be present in breast milk and the safety guidelines breastfeeding mothers should follow regarding daily...
Caffeine Anxiety and Panic Attacks
Caffeine can increase anxiety levels and even cause panic attacks in some people. Here's the science as to why and...
Caffeine and Dehydration: What the Research Says
What the research says about the dehydrating effect of caffeine. It can act as a diuretic, but only in certain...
Caffeine: Facts, Usage, and Side Effects
Caffeine: history, plant sources, chemical structure, metabolism, positive & negative effects, use in beverages & food as well as its...
Caffeine Sensitivity
Caffeine sensitivity is how efficiently you can process and metabolize caffeine and is determined by your genes. We help you...
Caffeine Intake Safety Laws
Caffeine intake safety laws are different around the globe. Find out how governing bodies around the world feel about caffeine...
Caffeine Absorption
How fast is caffeine absorbed by the bloodstream. We compare the most common ways to consume caffeine.
The Half Life of Caffeine
The half-life of caffeine is how long it takes to process at least half of the caffeine in your system....
Ingredients that Contain Hidden Caffeine
A list of other names for caffeine and food ingredients that contain hidden caffeine in them.
Is There Caffeine In Apples?
Apples wake you up as well as a cup of coffee but is it because of caffeine? This article answers...